5 Gears A Freelancer Should Own

by Entrepreneurs Brief
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When you work in the corporate world, you already have everything you need to do the duties you’ve been assigned. You have your own office, cubicle, or workstation. Your employer is likely to have given you a work laptop, a work phone, and maybe even a business car. Pens, paper, notepads, permanent markers are among the office supplies available to you. Your office administrator will obtain anything you require.

Needs of a Virtual Employee

When you work as a virtual professional, however, and your clients don’t always give you the resources and equipment you need, it’s up to you to obtain your materials and tools.

Focus on being productive instead of busy.

Tim Ferriss

So, as an internet freelancer, what should you obtain to complete your project? The top five must-haves are as follows:

1. Hardwearing Equipment

This comprises your laptop or desktop computer, a second or two monitors (for work that requires split screens or a broader view of interfaces) ; and excellent quality noise-canceling headphones or earbuds with a microphone. Some people prefer little notebooks or tablets that they can carry with them everywhere they go and use to do work.

You should be able to verify the characteristics of your gear, depending on the virtual help services you use. Freelance microphones, a camera or a real DSLR, USB hubs for numerous connections, and so on are some of the equipment and tools you could require. Please let us know if there are any other items that you think should be included.

2. Consistent Internet access

Virtual assistants nowadays rely on quick, stable internet connections. As a result, a dial-up connection is almost dinosaur-like. Telecommunication firms have attempted to improve their internet services by increasing the number of megabits per second (Mbps) available. Wi-Fi connections are also available, although their speed will vary depending on how many people are connected to it and how much data is being sent. Some people have hotspots on their phones, but your data plan will determine whether or not you may use them.

What freelancers need with Consistent Internet access?

  • Desktop computer or laptop computer

This is an absolute need. If you work as an online freelancer, you do almost everything on a computer or laptop. To begin with, it links you to the internet, giving you access to everything you require. Second, whether it’s graphic design, article writing, video creation, or spreadsheets, every activity that has to be completed is done on a computer. Without a computer or laptop, nothing is possible.

However, because each service provider is unique, each assignment has a set of minimal requirements. You don’t need a lot of power on your computer for simple office word processing activities.

You only need a little amount to operate Microsoft Office or comparable programs. However, if you want graphic design tasks ranging from video to 2D and 3D animation, you will require more detailed specifications. You couldn’t finish or even start a 3D project due to your computer’s sluggish and poor configuration.

  • Access to the internet

Another unavoidable necessity. If you don’t have access to the internet, you can’t work as an « online » freelancer. In fact, according to Bill Gates, any firm that does not link to the internet would soon go out of existence.

The only thing you’d have to think about is your internet connection speed. It is preferable to have the quickest internet connection possible, but this is entirely dependent on your financial constraints. Get the quickest connection you can while remaining within your capacity to make the most of your freelancing. In general, a 2Mbps connection will be enough, however, live streaming and big file uploads will bog down your connection.

Simply begin with what you can afford, and as your income rises, so will your internet connection. Especially if you want higher speeds for both your business and your entire home.

A portable wifi connection is a must-have item for any wandering nomad.

  • Mobile device

Millennials would carry this around with them all day. Mobile phones, on the other hand, come in useful as a freelancer, not just for communication but also for productivity. This can boost your productivity in a variety of ways due to the abundance of free applications available.

A mobile phone might be useful if you don’t have access to a computer or laptop. These two go hand in hand, and thanks to cloud technology, you can now access data from a laptop to a smartphone and vice versa.

Not only can you manage your files with a high-end smartphone, but you can even conduct basic graphic design and video creation if necessary. The options are limitless; all you have to do is figure out what you require and desire.

  • Mic and Headphones

A voice call is required from time to time for a variety of reasons. Even if your profession does not require you to make phone calls, you may require a pair of headphones and a microphone from time to time. You can choose between a pair of headphones with a microphone and a headset with a built-in microphone. There are numerous alternatives here, and it all comes down to personal preference.

One benefit of having a separate headphone and microphone is that you can swap them out if one breaks. When your mic or earpiece fails, it might be unusable or difficult to use, which is not the case with a headset. You’d also have to purchase a new set. It is recommended to get high-quality communication equipment such as these if your budget allows it. It’s impossible to predict when you’ll need it. You may use it for other things besides communication, such as voice recording, audio editing, and even simple leisure activities like karaoke over your lunch break.

  • 2nd Display

When multitasking or when your program just requires more screen real estate, a single screen configuration isn’t always sufficient.

You’ll need a second screen to check your work if you’re into web development, graphic design, or video creation. Even if you’re only dealing with office data, having a large screen makes it much simpler to view everything.

While you may get by with only one monitor for your desktop or laptop, a dual-screen configuration can give you « dual » productivity and double or even triple your work pace.

  • Power Bank

This is a well-known mobile phone accessory. A power bank may be a lifesaver if you run out of charge on your phone at the most inconvenient time.

If you’ll be traveling for an extended period without access to electricity to charge your devices, you’ll need a fully charged power bank, or possibly several of them. Power banks may be used for more than just phones; they can also be used to charge other tiny charged devices such as portable wi-fi, a go pro, and other similar devices.

  • Charging Station for Batteries

Your laptop, like a phone, can quickly deplete its battery, especially if you use it frequently and don’t have access to a power source. Even if your battery life is sufficient to complete a task, it may run out just when you need it most.

To be cautious, a portable battery charger can extend the life of your laptop just long enough to save your work or send a that important email to your customer.

3. Workspace that promotes productivity

Where you work as a digital nomad is crucial. You could come across ads from online freelancers who work near the ocean, in a national park, or even along picturesque routes. But it all comes down to your ability to be productive. They could have chosen picturesque workplaces since they require motivation. Some people choose intimate coffee shops because they provide coffee and have a relaxing atmosphere (as opposed to a stressful environment). Coworking spaces now provide dependable Wi-Fi, as well as office basics such as a phone, photocopier, printer, and even a coffee maker.

Many virtual assistants operate from home since it is the most convenient location for them. You don’t have to prepare or think about what to dress, and you don’t have to factor in travel time when you go to work. Working from home has the benefit of giving you complete control over your internet connection (unless there are other family members in your house sharing it with you.)

4. Beverages and Food

Healthy snacks are something that distant employees require. You could forget about cooking since you’re working in front of your laptop, possibly in the luxury of your own home, and you’re focused on whatever assignment you need to do that day.

Make sure you remember to drink, eat, and eat healthy, particularly if your schedule conflicts with your present location’s usual business hours.

5. Toiletry Access

After all that coffee and water, you’re in desperate need of a restroom break. Going to the bathroom will also assist you to escape the monotony of online freelancing. Because you have to stand up and flex other areas of your body, this will assist control other biological functions. Sitting and pressing keys or your mouse for hours on end may be tiring.


Freelancers all across the world are adapting to the worldwide epidemic in new and inventive ways. By going over these suggestions and putting them into practice, you should be able to save time and money while still delivering the finest service to your clients. Maintaining a good attitude, streamlining your workflow, and setting clear, realistic goals can practically ensure your success, even in the face of contemporary social distancing difficulties.

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