How Top Build Your Own Website

by Entrepreneurs Brief
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Although there are several methods for creating a website, we believe that utilizing a website builder or WordPress is the most straightforward. If this is your first time building a website, we recommend utilizing a website builder like Wix, Squarespace, or Weebly – it’s the best choice for IT beginners.

However, because WordPress is also a popular option, we’ll walk you through both the design and development procedures. Whatever choice you choose, if you follow our nine simple steps, you’ll be able to create a website in an hour.

Here are 9 steps to building your website:

1. Select the most appropriate website builder

Website builders are quite popular these days, and for good reason, but you must choose one that meets your requirements.

Selecting the appropriate website builder is crucial. Choosing the proper one is critical to creating a website you’ll enjoy.

  • Which website creator should you go with?
  • What is the most effective method for developing a website?
  • What is the most straightforward method for creating a website?

We want you to locate contractors that are a good fit for you. With that in mind, here’s a rundown of the best website builders currently available. Wix and Weebly are two of the most popular website builders on the market, thanks to their user-friendly drag-and-drop capabilities that make online building a breeze.

To be clear, the aforementioned builders aren’t the only ones worth looking at. In our analysis, they fared the best overall, but it all depends on your preferences. For example, is an excellent blogging platform, whereas Shopify is one of the best e-commerce platforms.

Make a list of your top goals, then look through the reviews to choose two or three builders that appear to suit the bill.

Try out your website-building software

We can lead you in the correct direction, but only you can decide which builder is perfect for you. Take advantage of the free trials that almost every website builder provides.

2. Choose a plan that meets your requirements and fits your budget

 It’s time to choose a pricing plan once you’ve decided on a website builder. If you only need a simple website (for example, for a portfolio or a small service business), the cheaper options should suffice. Check out the options available with the more costly plans if you require something more complicated.

You’ll need to sign up for a plan once you’ve chosen a website builder. Multiple plans are often available from website builders. In comparison to web developers, this is a huge benefit of website builders. In the meanwhile, utilizing a website builder to create your website allows you to have a completely functional website up and running for less than the cost of a cup of coffee. Your needs will determine the plan you pick.

Are you creating a website to display your artwork as a portfolio?

Do you want to build a website for your company that will attract thousands of visitors and has several user accounts?

Then the $25-per-month VIP Plan could be a better fit. There’s a plan for everyone, rest assured.

Is it possible to create a free website?

A website may be created for free, however, there are certain restrictions. A lot of key functions are disabled in free website builder accounts. The free alternatives are worth a look if you’re interested in learning more about website creation. You will, however, have to spend at least a few bucks each month if you want a professional, feature-rich website.

3. Pick a domain name that is both unique and relevant

The part of the URL (the site address in your browser’s search bar) that identifies a web page is called a domain name. You may register them individually at sites like, but most website builders will handle it for you when you join up. Most provide it for free (at least at first), while a few demand a little fee.

Make sure the domain is the same as what people see when they come to your website. Don’t register the domain if your firm is Vintage Pantaloons TM.

Maintain brevity, or at the very least, rememberability. Don’t choose a domain with hundreds of characters if you want people to remember your site. No one will remember it because it will appear ridiculous.

Keep numbers to a minimum. When it comes to domain names, it’s better to stay away from numerals. It appears unprofessional (in general) and adds another factor for people to remember.

Make sure the branding isn’t taken. There are already millions of web pages. That indicates that millions of domain names have already been reserved. Before you commit to something, make sure it will stand out.

4. Decide on a design template that appeals to you

Now comes the fun part: picking a ‘template’ or ‘theme’ to work with to create the design of your website. After you’ve joined up, your website builder will walk you through this stage. Industry or site types are used to categorize templates. Try out a few before deciding on one.

You’ve picked a website builder, signed up for a plan, and registered a domain, and you’ve followed our instructions to the letter. You’re all set to get started on your website. Instead of allowing you to figure it out on your own, website builders provide templates to help you along the way.

Templates serve as a foundation for your website, serving as a blank canvas on which you may paint your content. They’re a way to have a nice-looking website without needing to pay a designer.

These are just a few of the different categories you can encounter when building your website:

  • Photography
  • Restaurants
  • Online Stores
  • Portfolios
  • Blogs

 5. Change the look of your template

Now is the time to add your text and photos to your template. Most builders will walk you through this, but it’s really simple once you get the hang of it. Your website will start to look like your website before you know it.

Templates offer a structure, as we discussed in the previous phase. Given how many people use website builders these days, there’s a good chance your website’s framework is shared by a few others. You’ll need to fill a template with material that is unique to you at the very least. You’ll also need to do some customizing to make yourself stand out.

It’s similar to preparing a meal while creating a website. Building a website from the ground up is a lot easier with the appropriate tools and instructions, much like cooking. A template provides you with a recipe; you may follow it or alter the ingredients and style to make your cuisine uniquely yours.

What goes into website customization ? That is, in large part, your decision. In today’s world, website builders are highly adaptable. The following are examples of customizations:

  • Adding more pages to your navigation is a great way to expand your website’s functionality.
  • Button sizes, colors, and fonts may all be changed.
  • New components, such as contact forms and menus, are being added to the site.
  • Changing the photos in the gallery on your homepage
  • Selecting a new color scheme
  • Social media outlets are linked/embedded.

Don’t be frightened; the finest website builders will guide you through everything. They are well aware that their goal is to make site design as simple as possible. Don’t be scared to experiment, as is so common with website builders. You’ll be astounded at how much you’re capable of.

6. Make your content and format it

It’s time to fill your website with your photos and written material now that it’s starting to take shape. You may also ‘drag’ text and picture boxes across each page to replace any ‘placeholder’ material on your template (if you use a drag-and-drop builder).

It’s time to start adding content to your website, which includes photos, videos, and text, once you’ve played with the colors and layout.

7. Select apps and install them

To add missing functionality to your sites, such as forms and social network connectors, go to your builder’s app store. There’s an app for almost everything, and getting them is a breeze.

You can bet there’s an app for everything you need your website to accomplish. Simply go to the App Market (or similar) for your builder and install it. You can see how much an app will cost (although many are free), what it does, and how many people have downloaded it, just as you can on the App Store.

8. Go through your website and give it a once-over

You’re undoubtedly eager to publish and launch your website now that you’ve chosen and personalized a template. Remember to test your site on both mobile and desktop before launching it. The following are some essential questions to consider: Is all of the spelling and punctuation correct? Are all of the menu’s buttons functional? More than half of Google searches are conducted on mobile devices, and this number is steadily increasing.

Making your site’s mobile experience as smooth as possible is essential for its success. You’ll save a lot of time with an easy-to-use preview mode since you won’t have to go back and forth between editor and preview mode. You may modify and then preview it to see how it will appear in real-time. Don’t rely on yourself to test your website.

9. Get your website listed on the Web 

Hit the Publish button when you’re finished!

But don’t worry; when you’ve launched your site, it’s simple to make modifications.

Keep in mind that certain website builders will not allow you to change templates after your site is online.

Let’s go over the steps you should have taken to get to this stage before you press the ‘Publish’ button and send your site out into the cold, harsh world :

  • Select the most appropriate website builder for your needs.
  • Choose a plan that meets your requirements and fits your budget.
  • Make a domain name that is both distinctive and relevant.
  • Choose a design template that you enjoy working with.
  • Make changes to the design of the template.
  • Make your material and format it.
  • Apps are available for download.
  • Your website should be reviewed and tested.
  • ‘Publish’ is the button to press!
  • The world may now view your website.


Even with a step-by-step guide to guide you, learning how to construct a website is a difficult task. Simultaneously, when you learn a new talent and see your hard effort pay off, it may be quite rewarding. But don’t get too comfortable just yet. Learn more and create more complicated capabilities and features using your newly acquired expertise. You won’t simply learn how to create a website this way; you’ll learn how to make the precise website you desire.

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