What To Consider When Developing A Project Management Plan

by Entrepreneurs Brief
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A project management plan (PMP) outlines the steps necessary to complete a specific project. It provides a framework for organizing and managing the project, and it helps ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and with the required quality. A PMP should be developed prior to beginning any project, and it should be updated as changes occur. It is a critical tool for any business or organization that wants to achieve its goals and objectives.

1. The phases of the PMP

There are five phases that a PMP typically goes through:


In this phase, the project team determines what the project will entail and develops a plan to achieve its goals. They will identify all the resources necessary to complete the project and determine how they will be allocated.


In this phase, the project team executes the plan by completing tasks and milestones as outlined in the plan. They must adhere to deadlines set in the plan or face consequences such as missed deadlines, cost overruns, or worse.

Monitoring and Controlling

The project team monitors progress and makes adjustments as needed. This phase can last from weeks to months depending on the size and complexity of the project. In this phase, the team establishes a baseline for project performance and tracks milestones to ensure that objectives are being met.

Closing out 

The closing out phase of the Project Management Plan is when all the tasks and milestones in the plan are completed. This includes finalizing any changes or updates to the plan, preparing final reports, and issuing closure documents.

Lessons Learned

This phase should be used to identify and address any problems that have arisen during the project. By doing this, it is possible to prevent future issues from occurring and ensure the successful completion of the project.

2. How do you create a PMP?

A good PMP should be comprehensive, organized, and easy to follow. It should include an overview of the project, schedule, resources required, communication plan, and milestones.

The project overview should provide an overview of the project, including a description of the problem to be solved, the objectives of the project, and a timeline for completing it. The main components of a project management plan are also typically included in this section.

The project schedule should outline the sequence of activities and milestones. This will help ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget. The following are some tips for creating a good project schedule:

  • Establish a start date and end date for the project.
  • List the major tasks that need to be completed in order to meet the end date.
  • Identify when each task should be completed, based on its importance and dependencies on other tasks.
  • Assign a specific day or week to each task, depending on its urgency and complexity.
  • Update the schedule as new information becomes available so that it remains accurate and up-to-date throughout the project lifecycle.

The resources required section should list all the resources (human, financial, material) that will be needed for the project. 

The communication plan should include a description of how the information will be shared between team members and stakeholders and involves the following actions:

  • Establishing a clear and concise project goal.
  • Identifying who will be responsible for communicating with stakeholders during the project.
  • Determining how frequently and when updates will be made to stakeholders.
  • Specifying how the information will be disseminated to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the project’s progress.

Lastly, the milestone section should list all the milestones and their associated dates. This will help to ensure that the project is on track and that all necessary resources are being allocated as planned.

3. What are the benefits of having a PMP?

There are many benefits of having a project management plan (PMP). Some of the most important benefits of having a PMP include:

Projects are more organized and managed

The project management plan (PMP) is a tool that helps to organize and manage projects by setting timelines, milestones, and tasks. It is important to have a PMP in order to prevent project failures by providing a roadmap and checklist of tasks necessary for project success.

Deadlines are met more often

Deadlines are often met more often when they are set in advance. When a deadline is not set, it is more likely that tasks will not be completed on time. This can lead to frustration and stress on the team, since tasks that were supposed to be completed by a certain date may now have to be pushed back.

Projects are more cost-effective

This is because the costs of completing a project are usually not evenly spread out. The first phase, for example, may have high costs, but these will eventually be outweighed by the benefits of the project. Conversely, the final phase of a project may have low costs but no tangible benefits.

Projects are less likely to fail

There is a lot of talk about projects failing, but is this really the case? In reality, projects are less likely to fail when they are managed and executed using the five phases of a project management plan.


Project management is a process that helps manage projects by setting goals, planning and executing the project, and monitoring and controlling the project. A well-written project management plan can help to avoid delays, save money, and ensure that the finished product meets customer expectations. In general, it can help you achieve your goals and objectives by following a structured process.

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