How To Coach An Employee Who Is Underperforming? 5 Tips To Help Turn Things Around

by Entrepreneurs Brief
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As a manager, you have a big role to play in your employee’s development. However, sometimes it can be difficult to motivate or coach an employee who is struggling. If they are not performing up to par, it is important that you take the time to coach them. 

In this article, we will share with you five tips that will help you turn things around and get your employees back on track.

Identify the issues

Before you can provide effective coaching, you need to understand the underlying reasons for the employee’s underperformance. This includes looking at their individual strengths and weaknesses and understanding what specific challenges they are facing in their work.

Doing this will help you determine where the employee is struggling and what needs to be addressed. For example, if your employee is not meeting deadlines, it might be helpful to look at their work schedule and see if they are overloaded.

Additionally, in order to help an employee who is underperforming, you will need to understand the individual’s job and what tasks they are responsible for. Once you have a general understanding of their role, you may begin to coach them on how to improve their performance by offering suggestions and creating a plan of action that will help them meet their goals. 

Set clear expectations

It can be difficult to know what an employee expects from their job, and it can be even harder to give them clear instructions. Make sure you are both on the same page with what is expected from their position and be specific about what you want them to do. This will help them know exactly what they need to do in order to meet your standards and show them that you are invested in their success. 

This will help your employee know what they need to focus on in order to improve their performance. For example, you might set a goal of increasing productivity by 5% over the next three months.

Employees need to feel like they are able to meet goals and improve as they go, not that they are constantly failing. Set measurable objectives for each employee and make sure they understand how they are contributing to the team’s success.

Setting an example of professionalism, consistency, and excellence will also encourage your employees to uphold these standards in their own work. It is important to set a positive example so that all members of the team feel like they can improve themselves and achieve success together.

Provide feedback and encouragement

Once your employee has set goals and priorities, it is important to provide feedback and guidance. This will help them understand how their actions are impacting the company’s goals. Additionally, you might provide training or advice on how best to approach their work.

Not providing feedback can lead to confusion and frustration. It is important to provide feedback in a constructive way so that your employee can learn from their mistakes.

Remember that your goal is always improvement, not perfection! Constructive feedback should aim to help the employee improve their skills rather than tearing them down unnecessarily.

Additionally, offer encouragement and support as they work to improve their performance. Encourage employees by praising their effort and creativity even when results don’t meet expectations initially. This will show them that you believe in them and that you’re willing to give them a chance to succeed. This will help them feel supported and encouraged in their journey towards success.

Offer support and resources

It can be difficult to motivate someone who is underperforming. Sometimes, all you need is a little support. You might offer your employee resources such as computer access, training materials, or even a sympathetic ear. This can help them feel supported as they work to improve their performance.

Throughout this process, you are there to support your employee – but also keep an open mind about how they can improve their performance next time around. It can be tough, to be honest about how an employee is performing, but it’s important that you set expectations for them and hold them accountable.

Be open and honest with your employee, and give them the tools they need to achieve their goals. With a little bit of encouragement, your employee can improve their performance and achieve success.

Remember: it takes time and effort for an employee to improve their performance. Be patient with them and offer support along the way.

Motivate and inspire 

Last but not least, it is important to motivate and inspire your employee. This will help them stay motivated throughout their development process. Figuring out what motivates your employee and finding ways to deliver that motivation will be key in helping them reach their goals.

Encouraging words and actions can go a long way in inspiring someone to reach their full potential. Additionally, providing positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool in getting them back on track.

You need to demonstrate genuine appreciation throughout the process. Although it may not seem like it at the time, a lot of good work goes into making an employee successful. Take time to thank them for their efforts, both formally and informally. Doing so will show that you value their effort and contributions, and it will also motivate them to keep up the good work.


As a leader, it’s important to know how to coach an employee who is underperforming. With a coaching state of mind, regular assistance, and a determination to help reach higher levels of performance, you can support your underperformers to improve. That is just one of the best things you can do for them – and the greatest financial outcome for your company.

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